I have a dream I am always running from something or someone I run through halls and doors of buildings I’m unfamiliar with. I always end up in the bathroom which seems to stretch on forever.
This dream of running away from someone or something can indicate that you may be experiencing stress, anxiety, or fear in your waking life, which your subconscious mind is expressing through this dream. Running through an unfamiliar building could suggest that you are trying to escape a situation or a person that is unknown or unrecognized by your conscious mind. The fact that you always end up in the bathroom may represent a need for emotional or physical release, as the bathroom is often associated with purification and cleansing. The stretching of the bathroom may signify a feeling of being trapped or overwhelmed by the situation you are trying to escape from. It may be beneficial to identify the source of your stress or fear and work on finding healthy ways to address and release those emotions.